What's there in a name???

"Why the hell is my name, Lingam??? Did my parents find only this odd six letter combination apt for me out of infinite combination s the alphabets gives rise to??" cribs Mr.Lingam who's just in his third grade, whenever the blue eyed boy looks at the book labels lying in his bag.

The name's our identity decided upon by our progenitors who though not directly at times, also give the green signal for the every action we perform. We just tend to live out the pages inked by someone else in our lives, yet we think we live our own lives... Funny ain't it? For every second male in north we find Rahul or down in the south we find Laxmi in every second individual...!Every time when we meet a girl we just find that she tends to look for a SRK or SRT in a guy and a guy tends to search for Aishwarya or Angelina in a girl!!! Funny but name does matter a lot. It's the identity we carry our lifetime. But it's just that we don't think of the paradox we see many of our names has got... Santhakumaran Sreesanth might be the most un-peaceful bowler off late while his name's embodies a different persona...

I remember once my grandpa telling, how confused state he was, till the time he got back home post party where he met his close friend whom, he did meet after a long time.He was very much elated when he saw him at their mutual friend's reception. With a glass of champagne along poolside, both recollected the memories, shared together during their Graduation.When my grandpa queried him about his betterhalf with a sip of champagne and anxiousness in those bleary eyes resulted a state of unrest in his mind on the answer. It seems the girl whom he married was Laxmi which is similar to my grandma's name belonging to the same area where my grandma lived and studied in the same college in the same class. My grandpa was in a dilemma thinking whether if she was the same girl whom he married few weeks ago. He was out of his senses till he reached home and confirmed that it was not my grandma but its her friend whose name was Laxmi too, a friend of her's. This incident was just an another reason for us to think why we cracked our nuts just to decide on a name for our group.

The blabber jabber of ours, made Ravi to crack up with intended pun, the name SriRaMa in the name of the Lord and later decoding it to be as fragments of our names Sri from Srikanth, Ra from Ravikanth and Ma from Madan thereby pooling it as SriRaMa...
Out of the inspiration from the Hyderabad blues title Madan pulled out the name Margarita Blues just with an intention to seek the attention of the wine affectionadoes..
Not leaving behind the inspirational scene, Srikanth did come up with the name Coins & Webs with a possible logic of monetizing from multiple directions...!
Ironically we still crashed into each others' mind just for a name that would be defining our entity in this globe. The only common trait we have is just cracking up graduation, adding to which we had this itch to start our own careers.....

This paved the birth of the "Gradzzz!!!" named so coz all of us are just "Gradzzz!!!"